Get Organized 2012: Book Giveaway

*** This Giveaway is Now Closed***

YAY! It’s time for my first ever giveaway! Thank you for stopping by and adding your name to the drawing. I’ve been looking forward to this for awhile now and I’m excited to find out who wins!

I’ve tried to keep this giveaway as simple as possible. To enter the drawing for the books, leave a comment to this post. I’ll keep the entry open for 7 days, until next Thursday. For the full details, including eligibility requirements, read below:

Get Organized 2012 Giveaway Rules & Information

The Prize: One (1) copy of the book Organize Now! + One (1) At-A-Glance Daily Organizer Planning Notebook with two days per page.

Number of Winners: One winner.

To Enter: Leave a comment below to enter. I’d love to hear what you feel your biggest organizational challenge is. What is that one (or two) thing(s) that you keep fighting? For me, it’s paper and laundry!

The Duration: The giveaway will be open to enter for seven (7) days, from Thursday, January 12, 2012 through Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 9:00 pm Central Standard Time.

Eligibility Terms: This giveaway is limited to United States residents age 18 and older. (My apologies to my Canadian and International friends. I wish “contest” laws weren’t so tricky when it came to giving things away of all things!) Void where prohibited by law. One entry per email address only. By entering you agree to these terms and also to let me contact you by email to let you know if you won. Duplicate entries will be deleted.

Shipment Terms: Prize is shipped to the United States to eligible United States resident.

Winner Selection: The winner will be chosen randomly chosen by I will update this post to reveal the winner on Friday, January 20, 2012.

*** This Giveaway is Now Closed***

Congratulations to Tamara Wilson, #111!

I will contact the winner by email to get contact information for shipping. If I am not answered within 3 days, I will do another drawing for a runner-up.


– In the case of any technical difficulties, I will allow up to one additional day to compensate for downtime, at my discretion, with sufficient notification added to this post. In addition, if I am unable to contact the winner at his or her email address, or the winner does not reply within a reasonable time period I will award the prize to another randomly chosen commenter.

– Winner is responsible for any applicable taxes on the prize.

– In case anyone from my family or hometown is wondering … yes, you can certainly be my friend or family member and enter this drawing. Only Daniel and I and ineligible individuals from outside the U.S. are excluded from winning this helpful book!

– I keep your information private. I will not share emails or anything else with a third party. Email is collected as a means to identify entries and so I can contact the winner.

– p.s. I wasn’t paid or rewarded in any way to host this. In fact, I chose (and used my own money to purchase) these books because I feel like they are truly helpful and I want to share how empowering it feels to be organized!

If you’re new to Behind Closed Drawers, welcome! I hope you’ll stop and stay for awhile. Grab a cup of coffee, and dig in. This blog recounts my journey to getting my home organized (you can get caught up by starting here for a list of my most popular and favorite posts), and I do my best to post as many hints and tips as I can that I’ve learned along the way, such as my recent series on 5 Steps to Get Organized in 2012. I’ve also just started a new Home Tour Tuesday series with before-and-afters of my projects.

To subscribe to my blog posts, you can opt for an RSS feed (the logo is in the top right-hand corner of this blog) or subscribe by entering your email address in the field provided. I won’t spam you or give your information to anyone!


Filed under Giveaway, Organizing

153 responses to “Get Organized 2012: Book Giveaway

  1. Pingback: Get Organized 2012 Book Giveaway | Big List of Giveaways

  2. Pingback: One year later … | Behind Closed Drawers

  3. Sandi Dean

    My biggest challenges are paper and clutter…. I have the best of intentions but have yet to find a “system” that I can stick to… but I keep trying 🙂

  4. Crystal

    Laundry! Laundry! Laundry! And random clutter. And husbands old ugly shirts that keep moving from the no pile to the yes pile, which should be the closet but isn’t.

  5. Aurielle

    My biggest challenge is definitely laundry! When I go to bed at night my room is spotless and after I get dressed in the morning it is like a hurricane went through there!

  6. Oh, my organizing problems are similar to yours…paper and laundry. I do file paper and such…but it still can get overwhelming! And laundry….oh my….it’s truly a neverending battle!!! 🙂

    thank you for the chance to win!!! 🙂

  7. proudmommy3

    laundry and clutter are my biggest challenges

  8. Eric

    Paper, paper everywhere…

  9. Nicole L.

    Omigosh, where to start… I’m going to have to copy your answer and go with paper and laundry. In fact I’m pretty sure if I don’t get them under control soon, I’m going to have to register them both as mountain ranges, and who really wants to have to come up with names for mountain ranges? Please, oh gods of the randomizer, pick me! 🙂

  10. ksrrth

    My biggest challenge is the pile of my husband’s paperwork and stuff that accumulates at the end of our kitchen counter. I have tried giving him a pretty covered box and a neat basket. None has worked. It keeps piling up! He’s a super husband–but that corner/pile is my biggest challenge!

  11. Patty White

    Closets!! Those are the worst in my house. I clean and organize them, and a few weeks later it looks like I did nothing. After that, it has to be the desk. I am losing everything on it all of the time.

  12. Linda V

    Mail cutter on my kitchen counter and sticking with a routine after clearing clutter corners.

  13. Pingback: Behind Closed Drawers – Get Organized Giveaway | Product Sweepstakes

  14. Jennifer Livingston

    I could really use this! I’m trying to stay organized but fail miserably! I need some sort of guide and this would be perfect.

  15. Pingback: Enter to win the Book Organize Now and a Daily Planner - ends 1/19/12 | Blog Giveaway Directory

  16. Jen

    Oh my, anything to do with my kids needs organizational help! Their rooms, school papers, schedules, toys, books…….. Help! 🙂

  17. Yay! Organization! We have five people in a tiny house the size of a shoebox, so organization is key. We have yet to find this key. 😉

    My biggest problem is that we don’t seem to have space for everything. I’m paring things down like crazy but we bring so much in that there isn’t anywhere to put it. Also, I have three adorable tiny ones who move things around like crazy.

  18. Organization is HUGE when you live in a motorhome like my husband and I do! Creative storage and knowing where things are is challenging! I’m glad I found your blog, perhaps you’ll have some great ideas I can use!

  19. Rachel M

    My biggest challenge is keeping my closet organized! These books look awesome!

  20. Marci

    my big challenge is organizing everybody’s different schedules, eating, cleaning, laundry, on top of leisure time and family time. I’d love any tools that would help me balance it out!

  21. Allison

    my biggest organizational challenge is finding somewhere to put all of our paper. Whether it’s mail, magazines, scraps, it somehow just ends up all over the place!

  22. Pingback: A Happy Home, One Habit Adjustment at a Time | Behind Closed Drawers

  23. Krista

    My biggest organizational challenge is keeping and condensing photos, school papers, and keepsakes. I get giddy about organizing tools so I’d love to win this giveaway!

  24. Oh my goodness, I would LOVE this!

  25. Paper. Especially recipes and craft/knitting patterns.

  26. sharon

    clutter is my biggest obstacle……my goal is to declutter in 2012…

  27. Shannon Hankins

    I am a HUGE packrat, I never manage to throw away anything that needs to be.

  28. Pingback: Win Organize Now! & an At-A-Glance Daily Organizer Planning Notebook |

  29. My biggest organizational issue is monthly bills.

    meg @ adventuresasasmalltownmom dot com

  30. Laundry! It’s a never ending battle. But also, general paper clutter: bills, newspapers, school notices, work documents, etc

  31. Kim Stockschlader

    I so need this. My biggest challenge is by far paperwork. There is just so much and I have no idea where to put it all. My second is definetly my craft shelves. Too much stuff…too little space

  32. Jasmine P

    Paper clutter and laundry are definitely my biggest challenges as well.

  33. Sunnie

    Id say paper work for me.

  34. Kenna Rogers

    My greatest problem is my desk! and my office… and the laundry… and my closet… Thanks for the giveaway!!

  35. Mine is paper mess. I need a better filing system. And also toys. lol

    misteedawnw at

  36. Kathy S

    My organiztional issues are around my craft supplies and my closet. Too many for both.

  37. PhyllisAnn vandenBosch

    My biggest challenge is organizing and then finding a BETTER way after I have done it. I seem like I am always organizing. I am a huge crafter….jewelry with beads and all is tough…
    How nice of you to donate these items on your own cost….definitely paying it forward.

  38. Pingback: Organize Now! Giveaway at Behind Closed Drawers | Contest Corner: The Best Giveaways on The Net!

  39. For me, it’s the papers on my desk. I swear they multiply exponentially while I’m away…They’re like rabbits 🙂

  40. Jeni Monroe

    Laundry and my hubby (he’s a slob, lol) =)

  41. My life would be much happier if I were organized. I would then have the time to do what I want to do.

  42. I have paper everywhere!!! Somehow, I’m still an organization freak! I don’t know how that works…

  43. So happy I found your website! I love anything organizational as my New Years resolution is get more organized!!! Oh, where do I begin??? The office, such a disaster, can’t seem to get a handle on things. My craft room, am always searching for new ideas for crafty nice looking storage solutions!
    Thanks for a chance to win these!!!

  44. My biggest challenge is paperwork. My husband works from home, so I have all his work papers in addition to all the normal household papers.

  45. HI! My biggest challenge would have to be picking up after two teenage boys. They tend to leave their socks all over the house, seems like I am constantly picking up after them. These books would help me stay organized on my daily schedule. LOve them and thanks for the opportunity.

    ccrlund at

  46. My biggest challenge is organizing my brain, but I don’t think this will help with that one lol. My papers, and surprisingly, my kitchen!

    I’m also a new follower and would love a follow back! 🙂

  47. i’m fighting paper and little things that just don’t have a home! 🙂

  48. Holly S.

    I’m fighting everything! I used to be uber-organized when I was on my own, but now I am the only one in a family of 4 that doesn’t just pile stuff up and put it anywhere. It feels like I spend my days undoing everyone else’s messes! We have moved household 3 times in the last 5 years, and every time it just gets worse. I am swimming in a sea of stuff! Some still in boxes after 2 years! I need help. And a system would be nice; it’s just so overwhelming.

  49. Barb K.

    I have a very small apartment. It is tough to find any kind of space to put things. To much stuff to little space. Will have to start to clean out. Two thing I have trouble with is paper, paper everywhere. Also bags full of things I have kept all these years.

  50. I have major issues with being organized, for real!!!! What I have been known to do is use a notebook (starting Jan1st of each year) & start writing down bills & income & doing my thing there & trying to keep up with coupons to use when shopping & those are scattered in mailing envelopes , my homemade coupon box(a.k.a.Swiffer mop box)& end up expiring or I forget to use because they were scattered throughout the house or in the glovebox of my car. I do my paid bills the same way. I mean well but, it ends up becoming a search & rescue when I need to find a receipt for something paid. HELP!!!!!! ;))
    Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo much for this giveaway!!!!! I think it’s the kindest thing a pager can do for the fans is to do what you are doing!!!! IF I should win, this organizer is going to help me de-clutter not only my receipts & important papers but, it help me keep my mind & house in order & I can sleep a little better knowing where stuff is at because sometimes I think I am losing my memory but mostly my mind! You have a new fan here & I have a feeling I am going to like you for a long time to come because your letter (above) has told me a lot about your personality & that’s HUGE for me. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Christie Robinson

    (sorry this post was too long, haha);D

  51. honestly everything..i never know where to begin so i just give up..i need everything from home to my paperwork organized

  52. Accumulated ‘treasures’ of children (5) and life’s accumulations (30 years) which threaten to overtake home and are ruining my quality of life (not to mention my families….Not exactly a ‘horder’, but borderline!!! Help me please! LOL!

  53. Shea Balentine

    I think my biggest challenge is filing. I hate having to do it and it just keeps piling up until I’m forced to do it at the end of the year as I’m getting ready to do taxes!

    And thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  54. Amy Y.

    toys and dvd’s

  55. Kristina Lindberg

    I have a baby on the way so i have to organize my entire house to make room.

  56. jen w

    I need to be consistent with my organization. I start off well and then I get lazy and things get out of control and takes a while to get things back in order

  57. It’s paper and laundry for me too…and toys, although technically that’s not my job. Still, I think paper is the worst. School papers, artwork, etc.

    Laundry is just hard because we don’t have a good closet system for my boys, and they are always growing out of stuff and it can get hard to keep up with.

  58. Pingback: Behind Closed Drawers–Get Organized Book Giveaway

  59. Stephanie

    Laundry and my kids bedrooms are my biggest orginizational challenges. With small rooms and my girls sharing a room, it is hard to find a place for all there toys and clothes. I could really use some help!

  60. Jessica B

    My biggest challenge is keeping track of all of my home and work appointments – between my job, and my daughter – I occasionally have emergency realizations that I’ve got to get somewhere fast!

  61. Loreen

    What is it with all this paper???!!!!?!

  62. Kirsten

    My biggest challenges are paper clutter and laundry. I have a lot of papers, envelopes, magazines, and always feel overwelmed by the amount of mail and papers I get. Being perfectly organized is easier said than done, but I’m hopeful that I’ll get there!

  63. Desiree Dunbar

    I always have a ton of papers on my desk waiting to be filed.

  64. Would love to win this , my biggest challenge is laundry , my hub is a constructions worker so he comes home sooo muddy and filthy , on top of the other laundry it just keeps piling and I can never get ahead , and also the floors , we have all wood , so that takes up so much time , so no time to organize belensmama at gmail dot com

  65. Alissa A

    I definitely struggle with paper everywhere! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

  66. amanda

    my biggest enemy is we have so many of them. i am donating all the time.

  67. Pingback: Behind Closed Drawers–Get Organized Book Giveaway

  68. Pingback: Intentional | Behind Closed Drawers

  69. Kim

    Our household’s biggest problem area is the kitchen. The pantry, the countertops, and the refrigerator get so cluttered we can’t find anything!

  70. JenniferB

    My biggest problem is pantry also laundry room- what a mess!

  71. betsy

    My biggest challenge is all of the paper from the mail. Then there are receipts and instruction booklets for all of the electronics.

  72. Vee

    Juggling school-work and spending time with family

  73. Gwen B.

    I just cannot keep objects in their proper places (e.g. bra on an end table somewhere).

  74. Tabitha V.

    Those are the main things I keep fighting. Paper and laundry. Main thing is time. I tend to daydream and have a hard time managing my time. Fingers crossed!

  75. Pingback: Home Tour Tuesday: The Entryway Hall | Behind Closed Drawers

  76. My biggest challenge is keeping up with what I need to post for my blog. I would love to win this!!

  77. amy b

    My biggest challenge is clothes…Keeping the dirty ones in a basket and all of the clean ones in a dresser. I change outfits a few times a day, and my jewelry is always cluttered too.

  78. Diane Baum

    My biggest challenge is starting something-no problem, once I actually start it

  79. I know just the person with a new baby on the way who would love this item. Congrats on your first giveaway!

  80. hofken

    My biggest organizational problem is procrastination. I just can’t get started. It seems too overwhelming. Help!

  81. maritza regalado

    I’m a former HOARDER who’s been getting things under control for the past 2 years… biggest hurdles though, tend to be PAPER (mail, magazines, school work, etc.), and keeping track of what I have to do each day.

  82. Patricia Wojnar Crowley

    My biggest challenge is kids stuff…coats, bookbags, shoes! Five kids worth, makes a huge mess!

  83. Robin Scott

    clutter, clutter, clutter, in many forms – trying to de-clutter a little at a time, but sometimes it seems I take one step forward and two steps back

  84. Kelsey Kennedy

    Keeping things in their proper place!

  85. Pingback: It’s Raining, It’s Pouring | Behind Closed Drawers

  86. Katrina Page

    I think my organizational challenges would definitely include the closet. ….I tend to just throw things in there and shut the door so that no one can see the mess. Not the most effective method. 🙂

  87. kristen t

    i have problems with keeping my paperwork organized and my closets from not having clothes thrown all over the place.

  88. Mail, bills and coupons. If it’s paper, I’m at a loss. I just need a HUGE file cabinet or something to organize! (but they’re so expensive!)

  89. Sally S.

    My biggest offenders are paper and kids toys!! You would think I had 20 kids instead of 2!!

  90. Erika

    I’d love to win this! I really need to get organized! Thanks!

  91. Cassie

    mail/paper/ clipped coupons are my biggest problem around here! ….. also planning meals

  92. Lorayne Gothard

    I would love to win this and be able to get a little more organized!! Thanks for making the entry so easy too!!

  93. Michelle Tucker

    My biggest challenge is all the paper I have everywhere. I’ve got bills and mail out the wazoo and I have a hard time getting rid of any of it.

    michedt at yahoo dot com

  94. ewhatley

    I am obsessively organized and in the past, time was my biggest challenge. Now that I have more time at home, I love having everything done the way I want it. A clean, organized home is so calming.

  95. I seem to have a probably with clutter on my Dining Room table. At Thanksgiving I put the extra leaf in it and now we eat dinner at one end and the other end seems to be piled with mail and backpacks. But I told hubby he has to get the leaf out of there it just looks messy.

  96. lauren

    Thanks for hosting!!!
    laurenbbear at gmail dot com

  97. My biggest challenge is sticking with one organization/planner system and not one for personal, one for work, one for blog and one to keep track of all of them!

  98. Laura

    My challenge is meal planning!

  99. My problem is time managment! I need to schedule my time so I get everything done and I am not slacking!

  100. shawna

    I could use this to keep all my kids activities straight

  101. Pamela Halligan

    My biggest organizational setbacks are junk drawers I have over five – it’s so easy to throw things in a drawer and forget about them – and paperwork. Thanks for the giveaway.

  102. Ruth

    I could use this to organize my many to do lists at work.

  103. Beverly Nielsen

    Paperwork, closets…and things I’m holding onto with hopes of fixing or finding some useful purpose.

  104. Ann Nored

    I struggle with my unorganized closets, papers that need to be filed and stored, and my unorganized desk at work. I would love to win the Get Organized Book Giveaway for help with all of these.

  105. NewMommy(Shad)

    My biggest challenge is knowing how to organize and where to put those random items, so they can be found at a later time. Hopefully, I win and your book can shed some insight. Thanks!

  106. I struggle with paper and kid clutter. I can’t get a handle on how to organize their things and keep it that way.

  107. Heh, paper and laundry here too. 😦 It’s crazy! After that I guess it would probably be the hubs – does that count? He makes me NUTS with not throwing / donating his crap. He has every checkstub he ever got, his old utility receipts etc, even some toys from his childhood- not great ones, just the crappy toy soldiers etc.

  108. I struggle with organizing my cabinets, closets, papers, and storage. I am really good at throwing things in and closing the door. One of my New Years Resolutions is to organize one thing every two weeks. Eeek!!

  109. Biggest organization challenge: staying on track each day or, at least, understanding where the time went. I’ve been using my daily journal as a place to keep track. This looks more effective.

  110. I’d love to win this – I’d have lots of uses for this! My biggest problem is all the junk that lands on my kitchen counters. They are always filled with stuff that doesn’t belong there. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  111. Samantha Hill

    Papers! Def!
    Some general clutter…..this would definitely be useful to me!
    Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

  112. Yep, for me it’s paperwork and laundry, too! If I only had a Fairy Godmother…lol.

  113. Definitely paper clutter. Every time I clear it away the kids come home with folders full of more paper.

  114. I have been looking for something like this! Thank you for the giveaway.

  115. My biggest organizational struggle is my husband! He hoards. Though we’ve successfully taken his large suitcase of momentos to the size of a small gift bag, he still seems to keep everything whether or not it sees use.

  116. Ally

    My biggest challenges are my kids’s rooms and their arts and crafts closet. I NEED this!

  117. Art Supplies give me the most problems and behind that is clothes. I have such a hard time with two girls and all their clothes

  118. Holly May

    My biggest challenge is 4 kids, 2 dogs and a husband LOL

  119. I soooo need to get more organized! Its at the top of my resolutions list for this year… mostly cause I am getting married soon and have so much to do!

  120. It feels like it is never done because messes get made all the time.

  121. My biggest challenge is my craft room and the counter between my office and the kitchen

  122. chelesa sims

    Mine is paper. i live in a small house and it is a challenge to figure out where to put everything

  123. Pingback: Digital Organization: The Desktop | Behind Closed Drawers

  124. I struggle with kid-generated clutter in the house! We have a small house (1900 sq ft) for seven people, and it can get trashed in a matter of moments… and my kids loathe cleaning. Cleaning in our house is a constant starter of arguements and disciplinary action. Wish it weren’t this way!

    Also, I suffer from mental clutter — a bazillion ideas at once. Wish I had a system to help me think about them in a way that would make profitable.

  125. Biggest challenge is PAPER. What do you save? Bills? I hate filing things away, so they sit in piles. Now that our two year old goes to sunday school, we now get about a dozen sunday school papers every week. Do you toss them all? Sometimes he wants them. Argh.

  126. My biggest problems are MAIL…yuck!! and also toys. I think these things reproduce in the night just to make my life miserable:)

  127. Happi Shopr

    My biggest problem is junk mail and laundry. We always have tons of both

  128. My husband is my biggest organizational challenge, he works out of the house and his office looks like a tornado went through it. I would love to get ideas on how to help him better manage his paperwork that works for him.

  129. My biggest challenge is finding a cleaning schedule that works and that I stick to.

  130. Laundry and kiddos toys… no matter what I do they always seem to be all over the place!

  131. Melanie Wicker

    I am in a battle with anything new that comes into my home. Especially toys. O how I dread the little ones 1st birthday coming up.

  132. Amanda

    My biggest challenge is paperwork. It piles up on me.

  133. Michelle

    I am always fighting the things I don’t really have a place for, like the box top my child collects, and also my currents projects.

  134. my biggest challenge is paper!

  135. Debra L

    Now this is something I really need in my life!

  136. I would love this 🙂 My biggest challenge is my craft room. It needs organization in a bad way!

  137. my two problems are the laundry room and my kitchen it seems i cant keep them organized

  138. I would love help organizing! My biggest fight is paper! And actually implementing ideas after I find them lol =P

  139. Barb B

    Paperwork and toys. I dread starting either because I never really quite know what to do with it all.

  140. I am constantly fighting all of the unnecessary junk that piles up in our home. Our apartment is very tiny and we have too much stuff. I have slowly been going through everything and filling boxes and bags with things to get rid of. I could have KILLED my husband when, one day while I was out with the kids all day, he went through our storage items (where I keep my bags and boxes of donation items) and “found” a bunch of good stuff. He brought ALL of the kitchen stuff, books, clothing, and toys that I wanted to get rid of back into the house and put it all away!!! (Do you have any idea how long it took me to sneak toys, one per day, into those bags?)
    I’d love this planner. It would help with blogging, scheduling larger housecleaning tasks, and plans for crafts.
    ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ☮

  141. Angela Clark

    Paper is my greatest challenge.

  142. Velda

    Paperwork from years ago that my husband absolutely will not throw away. He says someday I’ll be glad we kept it but I don’t think so.

  143. Ugh, just about everything. Lately, I have been having a hard time just getting the kid’s home school papers graded and filed away.

  144. Susan Underwood

    Andrea, this has nothing whatsoever to do with getting organized, but as I see your Facebook posts and this contest to launch your business I am almost in tears. Your mom would be so proud of you, sweet girl. Love you!

  145. sherry walker

    what needs to be organized? what doesnt? Im a mess!

    sherwalk at yahoo dot com

  146. Amber Laughard

    My problem is mail, mail and more mail. I don’t like to throw mail away because i think i might need it some day.. Ehh.. Even though I know it should be filed under G for garbage!

  147. Donna K

    My biggest challenge is clutter and my kids’ stuff.

  148. Farrah Shumway

    I also have laundry as the main thing I fight. I try but 5 kids & a hubby can dirty a lot of clothes fast. I also can’t stand sock matching…UGH.

    My second would be my computer desk area & kitchen counter. I’m not so organized with all my papers. Seriously, where does it all come from. It piles up way faster then I can clean it.

    Third it would be my bills…. I’m not the best at budgeting or staying organized when it comes to bill. This one can really cause problems sometimes… Yikes!

    Well there you have it. I definitely need some help with organization. I really hope I win! Thank you for the perfect giveaway 🙂

  149. My biggest challenge is paper, too. My “desk” is in the living room, and I don’t like it to look cluttered, so I tend to hide things in cupboards. Then, they’re out of sight, out of mind, so I can’t find them when I need them.

  150. Heather Cox

    i consider myself pretty organized……and then i look at my spare bedroom and change my mind! i cant seem to get rid of things!

  151. Pingback: Our New Dog Food Storage Bucket | Behind Closed Drawers

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