Tag Archives: shoes

Day 9: Master Bedroom Closet Reveal!

Y’all, I’m psyched.

I mean, this is huge. HUGE, I tell ya! Remember this? This gem of disorder and clutter and rods hung with too many unused pieces of clothing, old shoes, and random junk on the top shelf?

Well, friends, that closet is a thing of the past. I present you with our “new” clean and well-organized closet!

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Filed under Closet

Day 6: Closet Project Sneak Preview

Our closet project began when we moved in together after the wedding. We’ve given away big black trash bags full of clothing that was outdated or unworn or unwanted. Now we’re down to a more manageable amount, but, as you can see, the closet still needs help, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we continued to keep Goodwill in business.

Here is a little before shot to demonstrate where we’re at right now. I’ll be posting the during and after shots in a little while. If I had my dream closet, this would be outfitted in the Elfa system, but we rent, so we have to make do with what we have. Budget is also a constraint, but we’re working around that by doing our closet makeover in separate steps.

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Filed under Closet